Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting Started With Leads Transformers Challenge

    • Welcome to Leads Transformers Challenge

  • 2

    Day Zero - Preparation

    • How Does it Work?

    • Full Recording of Preparation Day

    • Ground Zero - Preparation

    • Editing Your Friends List

    • Attracting Leads and Joining Groups

    • Preparing Your Profile

    • Recap and Homework

  • 3

    Day 1

    • Lead Transformers Full Recording Day 1

    • Day Zero Homework Recap

    • Who is your ideal client?

    • Finding Leads

    • Task #1 - Providing Value In Groups

    • Task #2 - Introducing Yourself To Groups

    • Task #3 - Mission Post

    • Task #4 - Responding To Leads

    • How To Keep Track of Leads And Follow Ups

    • Day 1 Recap

    • Day #1 Homework

    • Day #1 Q&A Plus Final Thoughts

  • 4

    Day 2

    • Lead Transformers - Day 2 Full Recording

    • Blocking Time

    • More Group Engagement and Commenting on Posts

    • Messanger Conversation for Post Comments

    • Your Authority Post

    • Homework + Final Q & A

  • 5

    Day 3

    • Day # 3 Leads Transformers Challenge Full Recording

    • Meeting Start and Mission Post

    • Tracking Leads

    • Peak An Interest Lead Magnet Post

    • Marketing Message For Interested Leads

    • Homework and Closing

  • 6

    Day 4

    • Day # 4 Leads Transformers Challenge - LIVE

    • Knowing Your Ideal Client

    • How To Get Testimonials

    • Creating Value Posts

    • Day #4 Homework and Final Thoughts

  • 7

    Day 5

    • Messaging and Responding to Leads

    • Official Release Post

    • Homework Day 5

  • 8

    Day 6

    • How to Deal with Ghosting

    • Quick Recap and Homework

    • Important Q and A Session

  • 9

    Day 7

    • Full Recording Day 7

    • Importance of Consistency Planting Seeds and Reconnecting

    • The Power of Posting

    • Let's Talk Numbers

    • Ongoing Tasks

    • Discussion on Leads

    • Share Your Results

    • How To Build A Wildly Successful Business

    • Final Thoughts and Questions

  • 10

    Bonus #1 - Free 1 on 1 call

    • Book Your GamePlan Call To Structure Your 6 Figure Business

  • 11

    Bonus #2 - $997 Case Study

    • Bonus #2 - $997 Case Study

  • 12

    Bonus #3 - Closed Door Mastermind Group

    • Follow the link to join the community

  • 13

    Get DFY Campaigns

    • Get Access to Leads Transformers DFY Campaigns

  • 14

    Get Auto Community Growth

    • Get Access To Auto Community Growth

  • 15

    The Biz Transformers Program

    • Get Access To The Biz Transformers Program