Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Client Transformers

    • Welcome

    • The Process

    • Live Calls Link

  • 2

    4 Step Process

    • Key Element - The Offer

    • 4-Step Process - Overview

    • The Post

    • The Email (Optional)

    • Messenger/Email Responses

    • The Bridge Page/Mini Sales Page

    • Checkout Link

    • Optional - Questionnaire

  • 3

    Select The Offer

    • The Offer - Overview

    • Testimonials/Proof

    • Offer Must Be Proven

    • What Does Success Look Like

    • The Process We Are Going to Use

  • 4

    Calling in Leads

    • Post Template

    • Email Example + Template

    • Maximizing Conversions

    • Where to Post?

    • How to Post?

    • Creating The High Converting Bridge Page

    • Video Template

    • Keeping Track of the Leads

  • 5

    Technical Setup

    • Commenting On the Posts

    • Boosting the Algorithms

    • FB Messages Template

    • 1st 3 Emails to all Leads

    • Responding To Emails

    • Segmenting the Leads

    • Segmenting for Automation

    • 4 Emails For Interested Leads ONLY

    • 1st Follow Up Email For New Clients/Customers

    • Use of Scarcity

    • Technical Setup

    • Segmenting Interested Leads + Purchases

    • Selling High Ticket Items Using This Same Process

  • 6


    • Full Case Study - 15 Clients in 5 Days

    • Checklist Per Campaign

    • Outsourcing

    • Unadvertised Bonus - How To Get High Quality Leads For Free

    • Unadvertised Bonus - 20 Min Strategy Session

  • 7

    Live Calls - Recordings

    • Live Call 1 - Full Recording

    • Live Call 2 - Full Recording