Course curriculum

  • 1

    Pre-training Part 1

    • Let me walk you through the membership

    • Welcome from Ivana

    • Join the Community

    • Link for Live Zoom Calls

    • The Two Elements You Need

    • 3 Funnels- Recommendation

    • Landing Page Examples - Landing Page to Lead Magnet

    • Mindset When it Comes to Ads

    • Welcome from Yogesh

    • Before you get started - watch this!

  • 2

    Pre-training Part 2

    • Ideal Client Avatar

    • Additional questions

    • Why understanding your audience is so important?

    • Connecting the Ad copy + Audience + landing page!

  • 3

    # 1 Ad Strategy - Google Search Ads

    • What are Google Search Ads?

    • Why are Google Search Ads Effective?

    • How to get a promotional code?

    • How to create your Google Ad Account?

    • How to set up your audience on Google

    • How to Get Google site wide tag?

    • How to get Google Conversion Tag from Google Ads

    • How to set up Google Tags on your site?

    • How to check if the tag is set up properly?

    • Setting Up Your Search Ad Campaign

    • Step #1 – Keyword research – Your Brain

    • Step #2 – Keyword Research Tool

    • Step #3 – Check the competitors

    • Step #4 – Creating the headline

    • Step #5 – Writing your description

    • Step #6 – Preparing your landing page for max conversions

    • Step #7 – How to setup google search ads (step by step)

    • Step #8 – Adding extensions - Site + Callouts (optional)

    • Step #9 – Optimizing the ad to lower the cost and get better results

    • Optimization 2 Parts - Part 1 ( Google Ads Algorithm)

    • Optimization 2 Parts - Part 2

    • When to run conversion ads?

    • A few rules to follow (Important)

    • Running the reports and what to look at

    • The importance of the ad rank

  • 4

    Facebook Post Ads

    • Facebook Post Ads - Introduction

    • 4 Things you need in order to set this up.

    • What type of ad should you create if you are new to FB advertising?

    • What are traffic and conversion ads?

    • What are the 4 elements you need to run Facebook post ad?

    • How to write an ad copy + an example

    • The type of images work well + how to create them.

    • What to add in your headline?

    • Here is what you need to have before moving forward!

    • Where to find your pixel?

    • How to place your fb pixel on your site?

    • How to check if FB pixel is in place?

    • How to set up conversion tag?

    • Overview of the Facebook Campaign

    • Let’s set up your ad - Step By Step

    • Activate The Conversion Tag - Add On to the pre

    • More on targeting different audiences

    • Bidding methods

    • How much to spend in advertising budget per campaign?

    • How to split test aka A/B Test your ads?

    • Custom audiences

    • Importing your list - when and how

    • How to optimize your ad?

    • Scaling your ads - the right way

    • Some things to keep in mind with FB advertising...

    • How to run a FB like campaign (Account Warm Up)

  • 5

    2 Step - Facebook Video Ad + Retargeting

    • Overview of the method

    • Why does it work so well?

    • 2 different campaigns

    • Creating the Video Content

    • Example of the video

    • Creating your video ad

    • How to create your custom audience

    • Creating your retargeting ad campaign

    • How to set up conversion ad, when and how...

    • Optimizing your ad - 2 parts

    • Little Audience Hack

  • 6

    Set and Forget Gift Ads Strategy

    • Overview of the method

    • The full pdf guide for this strategy

    • What to give away?

    • Preparation - we need 3 things for this to work

    • The ad copy

    • The ad creative

    • An example of the landing page

    • How to set up an ad (2 options for targeting)

    • How to optimize + set up conversion ad

  • 7

    Retargeting/Remarketing Ads

    • Getting started with retargeting ads...

    • Getting started with display ads + sizes

    • Creating your images in Canva

    • Good Examples of Ad Graphics

    • What to prepare for display ads?

    • Preparation 4 out of 5 :-) - Graphics, Ads Copy, CTA and URL

    • Targeting for Display Ads

    • How to set up a display ad?

    • Pixel/Tag & Audience Segment

    • Conversion tag

    • Adding Tag to your site

    • Pixel Verification For Remarketing Ad

    • When to run Remarketing Ads

    • Preparing for Responsive Ads - Images

    • Preparing for responsive ads - Content

    • Example of responsive ads

    • How to set up responsive ads - Step By Step

    • Different bidding strategies

    • Difference between a display ad and responsive ad

    • What Remarketing Ad To Run & When

    • Optimising Remarketing/Display Ads

    • Example of Ad 1 and Ad 2 Images

  • 8

    YouTube Video Ads

    • What are Youtube Ads?

    • What are the different types of Youtube Ads?

    • When to use Youtube Ads?

    • Video Script

    • Example of My Script

    • Example of my video ad - I go with the flow when I am creating

    • Example - One more video style that grabs the attention

    • Step #1 – Creating a Youtube video

    • Step #2 – Preparing your landing page for max conversions

    • Step #3 – Creating the headlines and call to action

    • Step #4 - Targeting Preparation

    • Step #5- Example of the Targeting URL's

    • Step #6 - Upload your video ad

    • Step #7 – How to setup Youtube ads WITHOUT a Goal (step by step)

    • Step #8 - Set up of the video Website traffic

    • Step #9 – Different Placements (how to select it)

    • Step #10 - Bidding Strategies explained

  • 9

    3-2-2 FB Ads Method

    • 3-2-2 FB Ads Method

    • What is this method?

    • What to prepare?

    • Prepare images + examples

    • Ad copies + headlines

    • Let's set it up

  • 10

    Access DFY Ads Templates and Scripts

    • How to Access DFY Ads Growth Templates and Scripts

  • 11

    Custom Ads - DFY

    • How to Get us to Write Your Ad Copy

  • 12

    1-Hour Consultation Call

    • Book Your 1-Hour Consultation Call

  • 13

    DFY Ads Service

    • Here is how to get us to do ads for you and your business!

  • 14

    Case Studies

    • Case Study - 1K in ads spent into 11K revenue

  • 15

    Coaching Calls - Recordings

    • Coaching Call Jan 10th 2023 - Building your Eco system.

    • Coaching Call Feb 7th 2023 - Offer, process + email list

    • Coaching Call March 7th 2023 - Successful launching

    • Coaching call - April 10th 2023 - Ad that is getting us results + examples

    • Coaching Call - May 2nd 2023 - How to grow your FB community automatically

    • Coaching Call - June 6th 2023 - Google Ads suspension and FB ad suspensions

    • Coaching Call - July 12th 2023 - Search Ads - Focus on Buyer keywords

    • Coaching Call - August 1st 2023 - 3-2-2 Method

    • Coaching Call - Sept 5th 2023 - Traffic + Emails and Automations

    • Coaching Call - Oct 3rd 2023 - 2 Ads that Work Well + Q and A

    • Coaching call - Conversion ads 2023 and Best practices - Nov. 7th

    • Coaching Call - Dec. 6th 2023 Book a Call Funnel + ads

    • Coaching Call Jan 8th 2024 - 100K Funnel

    • Coaching Call Feb 7th 2024 - FB Targeting WITHOUT expensive tools

    • Coaching Call - Workshop - How to write ad content that converts

    • Coaching Call - 5x ROI with Retargeting Ad

    • Coaching Call - How to Create Video Ads That Convert

    • Coaching Call - Finishing Video Script

    • Coaching Call - Advantage+ Placements

    • Automated funnels + ads

  • 16

    Contact Us

    • Here is how to get in touch with us: